101 公共关系策略、技巧和示例

已发表: 2023-08-01

公共关系,通常称为 PR,是一种战略沟通流程,旨在为您的企业树立良好的公众形象。

它是有效沟通的核心,涉及组织和公众之间巧妙地共享信息。 这是通过有针对性地接触受众、利用公共利益主题和不需要直接付费的新闻项目来实现的。


无论您是小企业主还是崭露头角的企业家,公关都是一种有效的工具,可以为更大的竞争对手创造公平的竞争环境。 然而,要想在公关领域取得出色的表现,就必须培养一套完善的实用技能和策略,以提高公司的声誉。

执行良好的公关活动可以帮助经济高效地实现营销目标,减少对昂贵付费广告的需求。 公关获胜的秘诀在于信息传递的创造力。

简而言之,您的公关活动应该具有新闻价值并有效传达营销信息。 这是通过精心策划和持续的一系列活动来实现的。



公共关系和营销虽然相关,但却是不同的商业活动,经常被误解为可以互换。 公关与营销有四个基本区别:吸引力、控制力、可信度和重复性。

  • 吸引力——在公关中,以引人注目的角度设计宣传工作至关重要。 消息传递应该引起媒体、目标受众和更大的客户群的共鸣。 相比之下,广告主要吸引特定人群——潜在买家。 他们通常无法接触到更广泛的受众并与之互动,这凸显了公关的更广泛影响力。
  • 控制——在广告中,您对信息的内容、格式、时间和大小的控制是全面的。 您可以确定广告的尺寸并决定何时播放或发布广告。 另一方面,在公共关系中,您对如何在媒体上呈现信息的控制相对较小。 虽然您可以自由地在新闻稿中包含您想要的任何内容,但您不能强制报纸如何印刷或使用它。
  • 可信度——人们越来越对广告持怀疑态度。 人们常常对广告抱有一定程度的怀疑,尤其是当涉及到广告的主张时。 然而,个人通常更倾向于相信他们在广播中听到的、在电视上看到的或在报纸上读到的内容,认为这些来源具有更高的可信度。 这是因为宣传巧妙地将促销伪装成社论内容、专题文章或新闻报道。
  • 重复——广告和公共关系之间的主要区别之一在于重复。 广告提供了根据需要多次重新投放同一广告的灵活性。 然而,公共关系无法承受这种重复性——媒体通常只会发布特定的新闻稿或报道一次宣传活动。




为了使您的信息达到预期的效果,首先了解并细分您的受众至关重要。 认识到并非所有受众都是一样的——虽然有些受众可以通过活动接触到,但其他受众可能可以通过社交媒体或网络活动更容易接触到。


2. 组织起来

有效的公关是通过战略性规划、持续的一系列活动来实现的。 因此,组织是关键。 日历对于安排外展活动非常有用。



要想在公共关系上取得成功,你需要培养记者的视角。 您的新闻稿不仅​​应该引人入胜且简洁,还应该激发好奇心和兴趣。

添加富有洞察力的引言可以使您的信息更加真实,而您公司的简短历史则可以提供背景信息。 重要的是,请务必记住提供您的联系方式。


你越善于像记者一样思考,你的公关策略就会越成功。 这是关于了解故事对读者有吸引力的原因,并利用这些知识为您带来好处。


4. 做好研究



研究成功的公关活动以获取灵感。 监控您的竞争对手并制定如何超越他们的策略。 了解情况并随时了解情况可以让您在制作引起共鸣的信息方面具有竞争优势。

5. 团队合作

为了开展有效的公关工作,需要组建一支专门的团队。 如果您的员工擅长平面设计、熟练的文案撰写或具有摄影技巧,请将他们招募到您的公关团队中。

您的团队将帮助丰富您的信息、提供建设性的反馈并协助传播您的信息。 有了一个有凝聚力的团队,您可以确保您发布的任何消息都是有目的和战略性的,而不是偶然的。

6. 增强你的在线形象

在我们的数字互联世界中,拥有强大的在线影响力对于吸引客户至关重要。 您在 Facebook、Instagram 和 Twitter 等平台上的社交媒体展示提供了与受众互动的绝佳渠道。

使用这些平台发布公告、促进联系并发布可强化您的品牌形象的内容。 通过定期更新和响应式互动,您可以创建一个相关且值得信赖的数字角色,进一步增强您的公关工作。


任何成功企业的基石都是增强您的竞争优势。 您企业中的每个团队都应该拥有推动其战略和计划的竞争优势来源。


因此,深入了解您的竞争对手至关重要。 它提供了对他们的策略和弱点的洞察,您可以用它来区分您的产品并为您的企业建立独特的销售主张。

8. 创建引人注目的内容

公共关系的核心是将正确的信息传达给正确的地点和人员,以建立和维护您的品牌声誉。 它需要深入了解目标受众的语言、愿望、兴趣以及他们的厌恶。

为您的内容选择正确的主题是关键。 异常引人注目的内容会引发好奇心、紧迫感、相关性和情感,与观众产生强烈共鸣。

9. 像你的观众一样思考

从公众的角度,而不仅仅是您自己的角度来设计您的活动。 微妙是必不可少的! 使用呈现积极形象的语言来传达信息,迫使任何批评者采取消极立场。

在发布消息之前,请朋友和家人运行它以收集他们的反应和反馈。 这种做法可以帮助确保您的消息与目标受众产生共鸣。


10. 定义目的和目标

明确的目的和目标为您的公共关系方法提供方向。 它们有助于确定您需要定位哪些受众以及哪些消息和策略最有可能实现您期望的结果。


11. 制定工作策略

确定最适合您的业务需求的公关策略。 区分公共关系策略和公关策略。




确保媒体报道的关键在于提供令人难以抗拒的故事。 了解您的营销信息并创造性地塑造它以获得最大影响至关重要。 请记住,媒体正在寻找新闻——新颖、独特且富有创意的内容。

与当地报纸或电视台建立牢固的关系是有利的。 与他们保持一致的互动,以确保您的品牌始终受到他们的关注,并且不会因为他们根本不知道您的存在而被忽视。

13. 开始你的促销游戏

促销可以成为强大的客户磁铁,通常比众多广告更具影响力。 您的公关知名度越高,您的其他营销传播工作可能吸引的关注就越多。

利用免费赠品、T 恤和海报等商品来提高品牌知名度并培养与受众的亲和力。

所有这些反映您品牌形象的商品将有助于在您的客户之间产生共鸣。 确保您的徽标醒目地显示在营销材料上以提高品牌认知度至关重要。

14. 幽默一点

长期以来,幽默一直是培养组织积极形象的有效工具。 虽然许多企业在广告中利用幽默,但公关没有理由不包含有趣的元素。

确定目标受众会欣赏的东西,并用它来与他们的幽默感联系起来。 请记住,他们的幽默感可能不一定与您的一致,因此考虑他们的喜好和品味至关重要。


许多公司都喜欢在有新产品要推广时发布重大公告。 这提供了一个绝佳的平台来展示有效公关活动的力量,为媒体提供实质性报道。

成功往往源于偏离常规并提供独特的东西。 旨在提供一些让观众兴奋的东西。

这种策略通常对于系列中的新产品非常有效,例如新模型汽车、书籍和电影续集,或者餐馆的新菜单项。 为了有效地建立预期,请设定产品的发布日期并进行宣传。



竞赛、抽奖、抽奖、任何形式的竞赛总是引起人们的注意。 然而,有些比赛比其他比赛引起更多关注。

参赛者通常会记住组织公司并与其他人讨论比赛,从而增加您的品牌曝光度。 确定与您的业务相关的相关问题、事件或主题,并围绕该主题发起竞赛。


17. 在新闻稿中使用反向金字塔格式

任何公共关系工作的支柱都是新闻稿。 完美的新闻稿通常可以是伪装成新闻的不加掩饰的广告。 如果新闻稿过度宣传,就有可能被媒体拒绝。

首先,确保您的新闻稿符合目标出版物的风格。 采用倒金字塔风格,将整个故事概括在标题中,然后在后续段落中逐渐提供更多细节,以方便记者的工作。

这种结构减少了编辑过程中遗漏重要信息的机会。 尽量保持新闻稿简洁,目标是少于 1,000 字,以保持清晰度和可读性。

18. 举办媒体活动

利用媒体对于有效传播信息至关重要。 每当有重大新闻要分享时,就考虑组织新闻发布会或媒体招待会。

不要只为危机情况保留这些活动。 重要的是要确保您宣布的内容是真实的新闻,因为如果媒体认为该事件无关紧要或浪费时间,他们就不会报道该故事。


利用这些活动安排记者与您的合作伙伴、客户和员工之间的一对一对话。 始终根据媒体的截止日期计划活动,并事先与他们协商以确保顺利协调。


19. 年轻观众

大多数公关工作都针对成人受众。 然而,重要的是要承认,个人在成为潜在客户之前就开始形成对公司的看法。

例如,儿童在很小的时候就形成了独特的品牌联想。 那么为什么不抓住机会抢在竞争对手之前接触到他们呢?

20. 立足本地


相反,请考虑定位当地媒体机构,例如当地广播电台、电视新闻和报纸。 作为一家当地企业,您可能会发现他们更容易接触并渴望报道与当地社区相关且具有新闻价值的故事。

21. 在网络上脱颖而出

互联网是企业宣传信息的宝贵工具。 人们在网上寻找信息,实际上也控制着信息的流动。

他们正在寻找的是令人愉快的东西。 无论是从熟悉、易用的角度来看,还是从内容符合个人观点的角度来看。

如果您定制您的搜索引擎优化并在搜索引擎上突出显示,那么您很可能会接触到更多的人。 根据受众可能进入搜索引擎的内容,仔细选择关键字。 并确保您的内容不会令人失望。

22. 成为你自己的品牌

与引人入胜的故事产生共鸣的品牌往往更能吸引人们。 准备好抓住每一个机会热情地宣传您的品牌。

信息传递的一致性和始终保持积极的态度是关键。 表现出对您的品牌和业务的热情对于吸引人们的注意力并培养积极的品牌形象至关重要。

23. 覆盖所有角度


然而,新闻中一致的相关性具有更大的价值。 在规划媒体参与时,探索所有可能的角度。

了解什么对媒体有吸引力并迎合它。 避免一揽子发布,因为它们只会为试图破译故事相关性的记者增加工作量。 相反,根据目标媒体的具体兴趣定制您的故事。


“一图胜千言”这句格言在公关领域尤其适用。 只要有可能,用引人注目的视觉效果来丰富您的新闻材料。 引人注目的图像不仅可以节省空间,而且还可以减少观众的消费精力。

邀请摄影师参加您的活动可以增强故事的新闻价值并产生额外的兴趣。 此外,考虑一下电视新闻工作人员,因为绝佳的拍照机会也可以转化为引人注目的视频内容。

25. 讲故事

媒体机构不断寻求引人注目、独特且具有强烈人文趣味的纪录片创意。 涉及热门话题的不寻常故事特别有吸引力。 卑微的出身、社区精神、幽默和人类兴趣等主题是有效的叙事手段。

尝试从媒体和公众的角度来讲述您的故事。 问问自己,他们会从这个故事中得到什么? 可能会产生什么副产品?


圣诞节等假期为公关活动提供了绝佳的机会。 在这些时期,人们通常更容易接受公司的善意行为。

在节日期间支持慈善机构、支持活动以及进行慈善捐赠可以为您的企业营造温暖、积极的情绪。 这些举措不仅使您的公司更加人性化,还可以增强员工的节日气氛。


社区参与是让您的企业成为积极主动的社区成员的有效方式。 参加当地的教会活动、支持当地的运动队以及在当地商会建立联系都是实现这一目标的好方法。

您的利益相关者不应该只是您公关工作的被动接受者; 相反,他们也可以成为合作伙伴,积极参与正在发生的事情。

您的利益相关者参与得越多,他们对您的企业的主人翁感和忠诚度就越强烈。 始终考虑您想要参与的利益相关者的利益并寻求共同点。 与其规定条款,不如努力采用协作方式。


如果情况允许,请考虑发布您自己的公司新闻通讯。 虽然搭载媒体是传递信息的有益策略,但拥有专有渠道可以让您更频繁地分发优质内容。

制定定期的出版时间表,最好每周一次或至少每月一次。 避免将您的时事通讯变成宣传工具; 相反,鼓励您的员工做出贡献。


29. 加入协会

扶轮社、当地商会和其他相关协会等组织的会员资格可以拓宽您接触有价值网络的机会。 这些团体不仅提供交流机会,而且充当信息分发的渠道。

让自己成为行业发言人,如果可能的话,让您的行业协会参与其中。 志愿服务和提供支持可以提高您的知名度并促进合作伙伴关系。 积极主动地寻找角色、撰写文章并与媒体接触以提升您的形象。




除了金钱贡献之外,还应考虑将您或您团队的时间贡献给有意义的事业。 此类举措不仅易于报道,而且还能将您的公司描绘成富有同情心和社会责任感的企业。


31. 让你的员工参与进来

企业的蓬勃发展依赖于人们为了共同目标——服务客户——而团结起来的集体努力。 将人性融入公司的叙述中可以增强其吸引力。


从员工的角度分享您公司的故事。 让他们参与尽可能多的机会,并定期庆祝他们的成就,例如“本月最佳员工”功能。


大多数公司往往只是表面上将公关与广告联系起来。 然而,精明的企业了解综合营销活动的力量,这些营销活动融合了各种沟通技术,每一种技术都相互补充和增强。


33. 建立伙伴关系

利用他人的知名度可以极大地帮助扩大您的受众群体。 如果您的企业依赖于强大的当地社区联系,那么这种公关策略尤其有效。

考虑联合品牌计划并与志同道合的企业建立联系,为当地社区提供有吸引力的活动。 合作伙伴关系可以提供互惠互利并有助于扩大品牌知名度。

34. 制作自己的营销材料

在公共领域的知名度至关重要,拥有自己的营销材料可以提高这种知名度。 名片、小册子和传单等印刷材料是强化品牌的有效方法,并且仍然具有相当大的影响力。




利用与您的业务相关的宣传日可以显着增强您的公关工作。 只需进行简单的在线搜索,即可找到可能与您的业务目标相符的意识日列表。




如果您的企业经受住了时间的考验,周年纪念日为公共关系工作提供了绝佳的机会。 重要的周年纪念日和公司里程碑本质上具有新闻价值,并为新闻稿或媒体活动提供了绝佳的角度。


37. 突出公司文化的创新


如果您的公司文化提倡多元化、可持续发展或本地采购,那么这些故事值得分享。 务必向媒体或通过新闻稿展示这些独特的属性。



客户是您业务的支柱,将公关工作集中在他们的故事上可以产生显着的效果。 在您的客户群中寻找鼓舞人心的客户故事,并考虑围绕这些故事开展公关活动。

也许您可以实现一位长期客户的梦想,或者一位忠实的赞助人有一个非凡的故事可以分享。 回馈客户的企业不仅可以培养客户忠诚度,还可以制作引人注目的故事来吸引媒体关注。



新闻稿服务可以扩大您的媒体宣传范围,使您公司的新闻能够接触到更广泛的受众。 这些服务范围从免费到付费服务,每种服务都有自己的一套功能。


您需要了解您希望传达的信息、您想要接触的受众以及您希望通过公关工作实现的目标。 这将确保您选择的服务完全符合您的业务目标并产生预期的结果。

40. 接触你的客户

请记住,公共关系不仅仅是销售产品或服务;而是销售产品或服务。 它主要是关于建立和维持关系。 为了培养这种关系,请与客户保持定期联系。

收集邮件列表并通过时事通讯、活动公告或节日问候与他们互动。 但是,请记住征得他们的许可才能接收您的通信。

根据个人需求或偏好来满足您的信息,以添加个人风格,加强他们与您的品牌的联系。 但请注意不要用信息轰炸他们,因为过多的沟通可能会导致您的消息被视为垃圾邮件并可能被取消订阅。

41. 创建“如何做”提示

每个人都欣赏良好的生活窍门或专家建议。 展示您的知识不仅可以吸引注意力,还有助于与观众建立信任。 创建易于理解并适用于普通人日常生活的提示​​。

建立您在行业中的专业知识,使自己成为报纸、电视和广播节目采访的可靠来源。 这种类型的信息共享可以提高您的知名度并进一步提高您在所在领域的可信度。

42. 在维基百科上了解自己

互联网是大多数人寻找信息时的首选资源。 尤其是维基百科,它是一个广泛使用的研究平台。 如果您或您的企业已经达到一定程度的知名度,请考虑在维基百科上创建一个条目。

确保您提供有关您的业务的准确、可验证的信息,并将其链接到您的官方网站。 请记住,维基百科重视中立性,因此您的条目应该客观且真实。

43. 加入领英

LinkedIn 是一个专门为专业人士和企业设计的社交网络平台。 它可以让您与志同道合的专业人士联系,提升您的业务形象,并获得行业内的知名度。

然而,要充分利用 LinkedIn,您需要投入时间积极参与讨论并提供有用的见解。 目标是通过向他人提供帮助和价值来建立您的声誉,而不仅仅是宣传您的产品或服务。


满意的客户的话具有一定的可信度,使推荐成为强大的公关工具。 在发表推荐之前一定要寻求许可。 向满意的客户发出声音可以显着提升您的品牌形象。

如果可能的话,捕捉视频推荐,因为它们通常比书面推荐更有分量。 突出深入的客户案例研究可以说明您的产品或服务对现实世界的影响,从而提高您作为成功企业的声誉。

45. 获取您的网站

在数字时代,网站是任何企业外展策略的关键要素。 如果您还没有网站,请优先创建一个用户友好、信息丰富的网站。 它是有关您业务的一站式信息来源,可供客户和潜在客户随时随地访问。

将视频、图像和链接等多媒体元素融入您的社交媒体平台,以扩大您的影响范围并以不同的方式吸引用户。 一个专业设计、易于浏览的网站可以对您的业务产生积极的影响,并可以显着提高您的在线形象。

46. 独家优惠





47. 不要忘记社会和企业责任





48. 参加商务活动




49. 上YouTube

YouTube 是全球最受欢迎的平台之一,为接触数百万潜在客户提供了强大的渠道。

然而,在这个平台上的成功需要的不仅仅是明目张胆的广告; 它要求内容能够在个人层面上引起观众的共鸣。

分享故事、幕后内容或信息视频可以使您的品牌人性化,并与观众建立更牢固的联系。 精心设计的 YouTube 策略可以增加流量、提高参与度并提高转化率。

50. 发起或支持一项活动

发起或支持社会运动提供了团结人们支持一项事业的机会。 除了支持有价值的事业之外,这些活动还可以帮助围绕您的品牌建立社区并创建有意义的对话。

然而,融入乐趣和创造力的元素以确保最大程度的参与和参与至关重要。 想出一些创新的挑战或活动,这些挑战或活动不仅可以支持这项事业,还可以娱乐和吸引观众。

51. 寻找有影响力的人

影响者营销是一种强大的策略,可以显着提高您的品牌知名度。 有影响力的人,即拥有大量在线追随者和影响力的个人,可以向他们的受众宣传您的品牌、产品或服务。

根据协议,他们可能会在 Instagram 上发布图片、撰写有关您公司的博客评论或制作展示您产品的视频。

Remember to provide them with clear guidelines on your brand's message, hashtags, and other requirements to ensure a successful collaboration.

PR strategies tips examples

52. Make your Events Fun

Ensuring your events are fun and memorable is key to their success. It doesn't always require a significant budget – creativity and originality are often more impactful.

Consider hiring entertainers, organizing engaging activities, or introducing a unique theme to make your events stand out. A fun and enjoyable event is more likely to be shared and talked about, which can increase your brand's visibility.

53. Perfect before you pitch

Before promoting your product or service, ensure it's the best it can be. Launching a half-baked product could attract negative reviews and damage your brand's reputation.

Concentrate on refining your offerings before introducing them to the public. A high-quality product or service is more likely to garner positive press coverage and customer testimonials upon launch.

54. Always personalize your pitch

Sending out generic press releases won't cut it. It's essential to identify the most relevant media outlets and, if possible, the journalists who would be interested in your story. Personalized pitches show your professionalism and understanding of the media landscape.

Always address your emails to the specific reporter or editor you're targeting. This strategy can greatly improve your chances of securing coverage.

55. Create an Annual PR Calendar

Planning is crucial for effective PR strategies, and creating an annual PR calendar is a part of that planning.

This tool maps out your PR activities throughout the year and aligns them with significant events and milestones relevant to your business, such as product launches or corporate anniversaries. In addition, consider national holidays, global observances, and other cultural moments that relate to your business to make your initiatives more engaging.

Media outlets operate on different schedules – daily, weekly, or monthly.

A well-planned PR calendar helps coordinate your announcements to match these timelines, ensuring optimal reach. Lastly, keep the flexibility to update your calendar as market trends, business goals, and public interests evolve.

A comprehensive PR calendar ensures timely, relevant PR activities.

56. Include a media or press page on your website

Your website should serve as an invaluable resource for press representatives and others seeking detailed information about your organization. A well-organized media or press page can help project an image of professionalism and preparedness.

This section should include essential elements such as press releases, bios, company facts, history, and archival material, which are all resources that media might want to use.

It should also direct visitors on where to go for press inquiries. By streamlining access to this information, you're facilitating better relationships with media outlets and making it easier for them to cover your stories accurately and effectively.

57. Be a guest speaker on podcasts

Podcasts have revolutionized the way information is shared and consumed. They boast millions of listeners and cover a broad range of topics, providing a golden opportunity for PR outreach.

As a small business owner, your insights into your industry, the intricacies of running a business, or even current affairs can serve as valuable content for these platforms.

Being a guest speaker on relevant podcasts can significantly amplify your presence, elevate your brand image, and connect with a wider audience, potentially leading to new customer acquisition and enhanced market recognition.

58. Be prepared for rejection

Navigating the world of PR often means facing rejection. Even with well-crafted stories and a compelling pitch, it's not guaranteed that the media will pick up your story automatically. It's crucial to remember that the media landscape is highly competitive, and journalists receive countless pitches every day.

It's easy to believe that your product or service's importance will automatically make it newsworthy, but this isn't always the case. Don't get discouraged by initial misses; learn from these experiences and refine your approach.

Enhance your pitch, build relationships with the media, and remain tenacious. Success in PR often comes to those who persevere.

59. Always Build up your profile

In the sphere of public relations, your professional profile serves as your calling card. The goal is to connect not just with anyone, but with the right people, those who influence the publications you aspire to feature in.

Strive to become a reputable contact person who possesses comprehensive knowledge about your industry and community. Building your profile involves consistently demonstrating expertise, staying informed about industry trends, and nurturing relationships with media professionals.

As your profile strengthens, so will the opportunities for increased media exposure.

60. Remember speed and relevance is everything

Remember speed and relevance is everything In today's fast-paced, digitally-driven world, the speed of communication is paramount. News travels at light-speed, and staying abreast of this flow is crucial for effective public relations.

However, speed isn't just about rapidly disseminating news; it's about delivering relevant and timely information to your customers, business partners, and the broader public.

The ability to provide rapid responses to emerging issues or industry developments demonstrates your company's agility and commitment to keeping stakeholders informed, which can greatly enhance your public image.

61. Include Monitoring in Your PR

Monitoring is a crucial element of any comprehensive PR strategy. Keeping an eye on public sentiment, media coverage, and social media conversations about your business is essential for understanding how you're perceived.

It's vital to have mechanisms in place for tracking and analyzing the impact of coverage or public commentary. These insights can guide your response strategies, whether they need to address positive feedback or mitigate negative perceptions.

Regular monitoring enables you to stay ahead of the narrative and make data-driven decisions about your PR approach.

62. Understand the Problem Before Acting

In the face of a crisis or negative publicity, the impulse might be to respond immediately. However, acting before fully understanding the situation can lead to ill-informed responses that exacerbate the problem.

Take the time to gather all the facts, consulting with involved employees or other stakeholders to get a clear picture of what happened and what information has been published. A well-informed response will always be more effective than a rushed one.

Even in the most challenging situations, understanding precedes action, laying the groundwork for thoughtful, strategic responses that protect and uphold your brand's reputation.

63. Focus on What Really Matters

When faced with a crisis, the temptation might be to share every detail, but effective reputation management is about sharing the necessary facts, not every piece of information. It's important to provide enough information for public understanding without overwhelming them.

Focus on those impacted directly by the problem and provide them with enough detail to comprehend your response. The primary goal is to address the heart of the issue, ensuring transparency where it matters most.

Your communications should be clear and purposeful, effectively managing the situation while maintaining credibility and trustworthiness.

64. Focus on the long term, not the short term

The sustainability of any business lies in its long-term strategy, particularly when it comes to maintaining customer relationships. It's essential to prioritize customer satisfaction over immediate profits.

Similarly, the press should be treated with the same level of regard. Prioritize the long-term relationship over the immediate press story. If your pitch is rejected, take it as a learning opportunity and maintain the relationship for future interactions.

It's about creating an enduring and respectful rapport, ensuring your media partners will be open to your future pitches, and promoting a healthier and more enduring business dynamic.

65. Act ethically

In any business operation, maintaining ethical standards should be a priority. The media, with their expert eyes, can easily spot unethical behavior. Attempts to manipulate the press, such as offering bribes, are not just unethical, they are also likely to backfire dramatically.

Upholding good business ethics will not only help maintain your reputation but also enhance your standing among partners, clients, and prospects. Trust is a fundamental pillar of any successful business, and those who trust you are more likely to engage and continue doing business with you.

PR strategies ethics

66. Plan, Plan, and Plan

For any successful outreach, planning is key. It serves as a roadmap that guides you through the necessary steps and strategies for success. Your plan should clearly define your key objectives and the methods to measure success.

It allows you to organize, foresee possible challenges, and establish backup plans. Remember, a plan is not set in stone; it should be flexible enough to adapt to unforeseen circumstances and changes in the market or your business environment.

67. Always Preserve your Integrity

Integrity is the foundation upon which a successful business promotion is built. It involves maintaining honesty and transparency in all actions, standing firm on your principles even when faced with difficult choices.

Competition should not sway you into compromising your integrity. Always choose the right path, even if it's not the most popular one. A business grounded in integrity cultivates trust among its stakeholders, resulting in a more harmonious and productive working environment.

68. Create your own press kit

Being prepared for media interactions is key to effective PR. Having a well-organized press kit readily available can make a huge difference.

Your press kit should include your company's history, brand story, factsheet, bios of key team members, high-resolution images, and media contact details.

It showcases your readiness and commitment to providing comprehensive information about your business. An impactful press kit can captivate the media, leading to a deeper understanding of your company, and potentially generating more positive coverage.

69. It's about relationships

The key to successful PR lies in cultivating strong relationships, particularly with influencers who already have a strong connection with your target customers. Identify these individuals and work on building relationships with them.

They can understand your message better and help you connect with their followers in a more effective way.

Remember, trust is the cornerstone of these relationships, and if the media trust your business, they are more likely to feature you positively, reaching the right audience and making your PR efforts more successful.

70. Don't Discount Press releases

Press releases are more than just formal statements; they're valuable tools for gaining visibility and credibility.

By submitting your press releases to media outlets, you can gain significant exposure across various channels such as business journals, newspapers, radio shows, and TV morning shows.

A well-written press release can generate media interest and lead to further opportunities for comment or feature articles. Ensure your press releases are compelling, newsworthy, and aligned with your overall PR strategy.

71. Budget Accordingly

Financial planning is crucial for any PR campaign. PR resources can sometimes be expensive, and it's essential to allocate your budget to cover all your strategic priorities.

It's always beneficial to have some extra funds set aside for unexpected opportunities such as promoting last-minute releases or ads. Keep in mind that a flexible and well-planned budget is an integral part of a successful PR campaign.

72. Share your coverage

Securing good media coverage is a significant achievement. Maximize this opportunity by ensuring your clients, prospects, and wider audience are aware of this coverage.

Share your media features across all your communication channels, such as your website, social media platforms, and newsletters. Not only does this spotlight your business's achievements, but it also enhances your credibility and reputation in your industry.

PR strategies tips social media

73. Don't Fib

Honesty and transparency are critical in all business dealings, and PR is no exception. Lying to clients, journalists, or bloggers is a quick route to damaging your reputation and trustworthiness. Uphold the principles of truth and accountability in all your PR efforts.

Always work on the assumption that the truth will eventually come to light, so it's far better to be open and honest from the outset, rather than risk damage to your reputation.

74. Plan a Crisis Response

Crisis situations are inevitable in any business. Preparation is key in managing these effectively. Establish a dedicated crisis communications team to plan and implement a response strategy should a crisis occur.

This team can develop specific strategies, devise response tactics, and monitor the media during a crisis. An effective crisis response can mitigate the potential damage to your company's reputation and might even strengthen it if handled correctly.

75. Remembering the Rules in a Crisis

Crisis management requires a specific set of rules. Always uphold honesty, be well-prepared, demonstrate empathy, make prompt decisions, and adjust your strategy swiftly as the situation evolves.

Avoid the “No comment” stance, as it can be perceived as evasive or uncaring. Instead, always show care, compassion, and commitment to resolving the issue.

Remember, the way your organization handles a crisis can significantly impact its reputation, so it's critical to manage these situations effectively and responsibly.

Successful Public Relations Examples

76. Opt to Use a PR Firm

If you feel you cannot effectively manage your PR outreach in-house, consider hiring a PR firm. These professionals can assist in setting up your PR campaigns, provide valuable analytics to gauge your reach, and leverage their industry connections to maximize your media exposure.

While this may require a financial investment, the potential return in terms of brand visibility and credibility could be invaluable.

77. Look for some great templates for your PR work

Planning and executing PR efforts can often be overwhelming. However, the internet is a vast resource filled with free templates and planners that can simplify your PR tasks.

These resources can help you outline strategies, draft press releases, plan events, and monitor media coverage. Using these tools can reduce the time and stress involved in your PR work, allowing you to focus on your key messages and goals.

78. Create your own blog

Blogs offer a unique platform for sharing your company's story and insights. Not only does having your own blog make it easier for others to find information about your business, but it also enables bloggers to include your content in their own posts.

A regularly updated blog can provide valuable insights into your business activities, opinions, and industry-related commentary, making it a rich source of content for other writers and media outlets.

79. Integrate Your PR with your other communications tools

Avoid the pitfall of fragmenting your PR and communications efforts. To achieve effective outreach, consistency in messaging and unity of purpose are crucial.

Any media coverage about your business should be shared across your communication channels, including social media platforms, newsletters, and your website. Having a dedicated individual handling all your communications can ensure that the messaging remains consistent and that all opportunities for sharing and promoting are leveraged.

This integrated approach can amplify your visibility and reinforce your key messages across multiple platforms.

80. Snag your celebrity early on

In the world of business, celebrity endorsements can provide a substantial return on investment. To truly capitalize on this strategy, it's crucial to identify potential talent that aligns with your brand's ethos and longevity.

Secure a solid agreement early on, bearing in mind that your chosen celebrity might receive other enticing offers over time.

Design a comprehensive program of events for your celebrity to participate in, and crucially, ensure you retain exclusive rights to all associated photographs and endorsements.

This proactive approach helps to build a mutually beneficial relationship that can greatly amplify the impact of the celebrity endorsement on your business.

PR strategies tips examples

81. Offer Free Stuff

In an era where tangible connections are highly valued, offering promotional items like t-shirts, caps, flash drives, or even gift baskets at your events can work wonders.

Express your gratitude to loyal customers with these gifts, acknowledge the hard work of your staff, or hand out calendars adorned with your company branding.

These items not only help to cement your brand's visibility within your community, but they also create lasting impressions. Whether it's a branded apron for summer barbecues or a uniquely designed t-shirt, these promotional items can go a long way in creating a strong presence for your business.

82. Invite the Media to write a 'day in the life' piece

Human interest stories, particularly those focused on small communities and local businesses, often have a broad appeal. Extend an invitation to media outlets for a 'day in the life' feature about your business.

This behind-the-scenes look into your operations offers an excellent opportunity to foster trust and demonstrate transparency. Such features can humanize your business, showcasing its unique aspects and deepening connections with your audience.

83. Send samples to the press

If you're gearing up for a product launch, it's a great idea to consider which types of reporters might be genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

Sending advance samples to selected media outlets can generate buzz and positive reviews, stimulating anticipation among potential customers.

Favorable product reviews often outperform traditional advertising efforts because they offer a third-party endorsement of your product, lending a sense of credibility and desirability.

84. Break a record or reach a stunning milestone

Aiming to break a record or achieve a notable milestone is a fun and engaging way to draw attention to your business. This could involve anything from sponsoring a record-breaking event to aiming for the highest turnout at your business event.

Inviting media outlets and local personalities to the event can also generate extra buzz. Achieving a record or notable milestone can stimulate media coverage, raise your company's profile, and cement your reputation as a dynamic, innovative player in your industry.

85. Embrace a mascot

In an era where customer engagement is pivotal, introducing a mascot can provide a fun, friendly face to your brand, boosting appeal and recognition.

Successful brands such as sports teams, McDonald's, and Dairy Queen have effectively utilized mascots to embody their company values and make a positive, lasting impact.

While developing your mascot, it's essential to ensure it symbolizes your company's spirit, encourages positive engagement, and promotes brand loyalty. It's a visual narrative of your brand that resonates with your audience, adding an extra layer of connection between your business and its customers.

86. Keep up with the Game

Maintaining a competitive edge requires a commitment to staying informed about industry trends, news, and innovations. By regularly reading, researching, and learning, you can position yourself as a knowledgeable resource for media personnel seeking insights.

Your expertise in your field not only establishes your credibility but also ensures that your opinions are valued, and you become a go-to source for journalists covering stories in your industry. It amplifies your influence and reinforces your status as a thought leader.

87. Assign a spokesperson

While public relations is a team effort, it's crucial to assign a spokesperson who can reliably respond to all press-related inquiries about your business. This person should be well-versed in your company's messaging and readily available to respond when a journalist reaches out.

The spokesperson's role is pivotal for maintaining a consistent voice and clear communication with the media. Make sure to include their contact details in all press releases to facilitate smooth interactions with media personnel.

88. Try Show and tell

Inviting potential clients and media representatives to visit your premises provides an excellent opportunity to showcase your business in action.

A live demonstration of your products or services allows you to highlight your strengths, display your commitment to quality, and create buzz around your offerings.

This direct, interactive approach can significantly strengthen relationships with existing clients and attract potential ones, boosting your brand's visibility and reputation.

89. Help a Reporter Out

Reactive pitching is an effective way to capture the attention of journalists working in or around your industry. It offers a unique opportunity to integrate your business into a current story or developing trend.

By responding promptly to journalists' queries with well-crafted pitches on why you're the best source for a particular topic, you can secure valuable media coverage.

This strategy not only helps journalists in their work but also increases your brand's visibility and establishes your authority in your field.

PR strategies examples

90. Your Customers are also Brand Ambassadors

Customers using and enjoying your products or services can become influential brand ambassadors, offering valuable, authentic endorsements.

Their experiences provide them with unique insights, enabling them to convey the benefits of your offerings from a consumer's perspective. Leverage the advocacy of satisfied customers as part of your PR strategy.

It enhances your brand's credibility and gives potential customers relatable, real-life testimonies about your products or services.

91. Remember SMART

Use SMART acronym when measuring your PR goals before rolling them out.

  • Specific- Specify your goals and be able to communicate them to others.
  • Measurable- Use analytics or other programs to see your progress toward the goal.
  • Actionable- Break down your goal into smaller objectives, with realistic timelines.
  • Realistic- Establish what you and your team can reasonably do in a set amount of time.
  • Time-Based- Set a final date for your overall goal and shorter deadlines for the different stages of your goal.

92. Show your support by sponsoring events

Sponsoring significant events such as charities, local fairs, or sporting events can yield substantial publicity and goodwill. Look for events that align with your product or service offering and lend your support.

Sponsorship is a longstanding PR tool that not only generates word-of-mouth promotion but also solidifies your company's reputation as a community ally and supporter.

93. Create a publicity Stunt

Many PR-savvy companies have leveraged publicity stunts to generate buzz and keep people talking. The most effective stunts are product-related, innovative, and visually captivating.

However, it's crucial to ensure your stunt is legal, aligns with the involved parties' images, and avoids causing public offense. Successful stunts can serve as powerful, memorable moments that elevate brand awareness and public interest.

94. Make it Personal

Adding a personal touch to your customer interactions is not just a courtesy, it's a business strategy that can significantly enhance their overall experience.

Something as simple as personalized gifts, caricatures, or any gesture that signifies individual attention can work wonders in amplifying customer loyalty.

It's the essence of personalized service and attentiveness that often trumps grandiose marketing strategies. In a world where consumers are often treated as mere statistics, a personal touch can be a delightful surprise.

95. Be a Patron of the arts

Being a patron of the arts isn't just about appreciation; it's about community engagement. By supporting local artists and bands in your community, and offering your business space as a platform for showcasing their work, you create a win-win situation.

This gesture not only enhances your establishment's aesthetics, creating a more inviting atmosphere, but also reflects your deep commitment to community development. It serves as a testament to your community-minded spirit, fostering goodwill among your customers and community members alike.

96. Use existing ideas

Sometimes you don't need to create anything new in terms of your content. Draw a parallel between something you're already doing and something familiar or trendy which you can piggyback of. Organize competitions such as lip-syncing, beauty pageants or cookouts to draw in the crowds.

97. Take risks not chances

Entrepreneurship is fundamentally about taking risks. These calculated risks are vital if you want to advance and achieve success. In a fast-paced business world, nobody is keen on promoting those who aren't willing to take risks.

To merely survive, and more so to thrive, you must learn how to take bold steps and make risky decisions. Waiting too long can often result in missed opportunities. The paradox of risk-taking is that your biggest risk often lies in not taking any risks at all.

98. Make Great First Impressions

First impressions are potent and often leave an indelible mark.

Each interaction, be it a brief meeting, an interview, a casual phone call, or an important meeting, presents an opportunity to make a lasting, positive impression that can shape your brand perception and future engagements.

The way you carry yourself, how you communicate and interact during these encounters can set the tone for all subsequent interactions.

PR strategies tips

99. Know How to Sell Your Ideas

The ability to convince others that your ideas are great and worth pursuing is a powerful skill essential to your career growth. The more ideas you can effectively sell, the more people perceive you as a valuable contributor to the organization.

Always stress the benefits, try to anticipate objections, and justify your positions with solid arguments. Understand the perspective of naysayers and use it to refine and sell your ideas more effectively.

100. Keep Your Arrogance to Yourself

The moment you initiate a conversation, either over the phone or in person, it's crucial to project confidence without veering into arrogance.

Arrogance can be off-putting, building walls instead of bridges. Don't let your ego sabotage your chances of advancement. Present your points assertively, but remain open to feedback and other perspectives.

101. Always be Positive

Avoid adopting a doom and gloom tone in your messaging. Rather than inducing cringe, your messaging should inspire action and optimism. Strive for messaging that includes a call to action, emphasizes your unique attributes, and showcases your unique differentiation.

Positivity can be infectious, and a positive outlook can often inspire others to follow suit, creating a more productive and harmonious working environment.

To help you navigate the maze of public relations, we've condensed some of the top PR tips across various categories into this simple table. Whether you're a small business owner new to PR or a seasoned PR professional looking for a quick refresh, this table serves as a handy tool for ensuring effective PR strategies:

媒体关系Be accessible for journalists, actively engage them with relevant stories.
Influencer & Brand Advocacy Get a celebrity endorsement and encourage satisfied customers to speak on your behalf.
危机管理Be prepared with a crisis response plan, follow the rules of transparency and care.
社交媒体Seamlessly integrate your PR efforts across all social media platforms for unified messaging.
活动推广Generate buzz by sponsoring events or creating a well-planned publicity stunt.
个人风格Make your customer interactions personal and always help journalists by providing them valuable inputs.
策略与规划Make use of PR templates for planning and stay informed about your industry trends.

Image: Depositphotos.com

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